5 Best Channels To Promote B2B Content

Even if you spend hours generating high-quality B2B content, if your audience can’t find it, it’s meaningless, which is why it is critical to have a well-thought-out content marketing plan.

Standing out might be challenging with increased competition for views and social sharing. In fact, according to a recent BuzzSumo research, content social sharing has dropped by 50% since 2015.

However, you can’t dismiss the impact of content marketing in the B2B market, which has become a staple in many B2B marketing strategies for a variety of reasons:

  • Before making a purchase decision, 78% of prospects look at at least three pieces of information (2018 Demand Gen Report)
  • After reading a company’s content, 70% of customers create a better relationship with it (Demand Metric)
  • 90% of CMOs believe that content has a beneficial impact on audience sentiments, hence increasing their brand’s relationship with customers (Content Marketing Institute White Paper)
  • Content marketing, according to 60% of marketers, generates the highest-quality leads for their sales team (2018 State of Inbound Report)

Any content marketing strategy should include some form of content promotion. To drive high-quality traffic and get the intended results, you must get it in front of the proper audience in the right place at the right time.

The following are the top 5 B2B content channels for promoting your B2B business online, attracting traffic, and generating more leads:

1. LinkedIn

Because LinkedIn has such a vast audience of professionals already built up for you, it is very effective. You could construct a highly targeted network of influential decision-makers on LinkedIn and generate content that speaks to their interests, requirements, and objections. For instance, if your company specializes in B2B IoT infrastructure solutions, discussing topics related to an MQTT server can attract the right professionals interested in technical discussions and solutions.

You can produce captivating content that educates and engages people by combining video, text, and images. While website traffic can take months to grow, LinkedIn can immediately produce results. Combining the two has proven to be highly effective for businesses.

Like most other social media platforms, LinkedIn favors native LinkedIn content, which is information published on the network itself and does not need users to leave the platform to access. 

As a result, native material performs better than external content (for example, a link to an article on your website). 

Maintain a healthy content ratio of 10% to 20% promotional content to 80% to 90% high-quality content. Also, establish a content mix that includes original material, focusing on videos. As a result, algorithm modifications won’t harm your marketing.

Here is how you can distribute them:

Articles On LinkedIn

Articles currently have a low priority in the news feed. You can use videos, slideshows, and even other LinkedIn postings in your articles.

We recommend that you use LinkedIn articles as a bridge between LinkedIn videos, texts, and photographs on one hand and website content on the other.

Text & Photo On LinkedIn

On LinkedIn, text and photo contributions are still significant and rank second. Avoid including links to external websites in the body of your message. Instead, you can include them as a remark to prevent being penalized by the system.

You can safely connect to other LinkedIn articles (anything hosted on the linkedin.com domain). This allows you to re-promote native LinkedIn content, such as videos and articles, in their original context.

Also Read: 5 Tips On Using Music In Social Media Marketing

Videos On LinkedIn

Because LinkedIn is actively competing with YouTube and Facebook videos as the leading video platform for corporate content, LinkedIn videos have a high priority in the news feed.

You can use videos to promote other LinkedIn material, such as a LinkedIn article. However, not everyone has the time to go through a 10-minute video. It’s impossible to listen to the audio track of your video, especially in a professional situation. Include subtitles in each video and a summary of your video in the description.

It’s vital to have a diverse content mix of subjects and themes to maximize engagement. If you write about one topic repeatedly, your readers will become dissatisfied.

To avoid this, try using a different theme for each month and week and a different content category.

2. Targeted Email Marketing

For your B2B clientele, we suggest a well-targeted email campaign. B2B customers want highly tailored, targeted content, and email allows you to deliver it right to their inbox.

It is a fantastic way to spread the word about your content, nurture prospects, and move them along the sales funnel. Segment your list to send the correct message to the right audience at the right time to get the best results.

According to more than half of marketing professionals, email customization is critical in establishing a successful email marketing campaign. You can also create behavior-triggered workflows that deliver the right follow-up messages based on how a recipient interacts with your content.

You can create a weekly email newsletter centered on the idea of disseminating your hub content. You can also promote some key content through the newsletter, such as blog posts. It’s terrific for expanding your content’s reach and tracking engagement, and determining which content performs well.

3. Review Sites

Consumer reviews aren’t simply for determining what you’re doing well or where you may improve. They’re a great way to drive traffic, generate leads, and convert customers.

B2B review sites are moving to the top of search results, and you can often publish your case study content on them. Because visitors are generally prospects in the early sales funnel phases, it’s ideal for both lead generation and authority building.

For instance, 41% of businesses claim they consult review websites before buying software.

The following are some of the most prominent B2B content review sites:

B2B review sites are brimming with qualified customer advocates, whether case studies or new material. Marketers who recognize and value their worth can expand consumer advocacy initiatives, raise brand recognition, and speed up the pipeline.

4. Retargeted Ads

Marketers are increasingly using remarketing ads on Google and Facebook because they are highly effective at raising click-through rates and conversion rates.

Retargeting ads help you achieve your omnichannel content promotion goals by expanding your reach across many channels, allowing you to create trust and stay top of mind.

When utilized as a part of an online advertising strategy, remarketing ads can offer highly relevant messages to audiences already familiar with your brand, guiding them to the next steps in their customer journey.

According to studies, 96% of first-time web visitors aren’t ready to purchase. Unfortunately, you will lose the potential to market to visitors who do not subscribe to your mailing list or buy one of your items unless you use retargeting.

If someone views your website but does not convert, it does not mean they are uninterested; it simply means they were indifferent at the moment. There are several reasons why a potential good consumer would not buy from you on their first encounter with your brand in today’s world of constant distractions.

Publishing a piece of content is a gamble no matter how much preparation and planning you undertake.

While it is not the end of the world if a blog post does not create engagement, it is pretty unpleasant if you have invested time and money into a unique piece of content such as an infographic, and it does not attract interest.

Consider retargeting all of your previous website visitors to your fresh infographic. You could also create a separate campaign for your email list.

You can place a suitable lead capture form or link beneath the content to convert your visitors into leads if your piece of content is truly valuable.

5. Podcast

Podcasts can provide benefits to your content and unique advantages that can help businesses establish a competitive edge.

Podcasts appeal to consumers who receive information in a variety of ways. While expanding your audience and raising awareness is crucial, reaching out to your targeted target demographic is equally important. 

Because podcasts can reach audiences worldwide, targeting isn’t confined to a single location. Focusing content on pain areas and issues will help one’s ideal customers find relevant material.

Although most content marketers have a natural talent for writing and creativity, exploring new methods to produce content more quickly is always a good idea. You’ll need a compelling topic, a plan for what you’ll talk about, and some basic audio and recording equipment to make a podcast.

Podcasting provides a way for content marketers to leverage the growing need for fast, easy-to-consume digital content. Podcasts offer a lot of chances and benefits for content marketers, so it’s worth considering as a part of your content marketing strategy.

Wrapping Up

According to marketing experts, the most successful businesses devote only 20% of their time to content creation and 80% to promotion. Consider your approach and the areas where your marketing efforts yield the best results.

With the correct B2B content promotion channel and approach, you can maximize the ROI of your content marketing investment and acquire high-quality leads, nurturing relationships, increasing conversions, and enhancing customer retention.

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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