5 Tips on Using Music in Social Media Marketing

Using music in your social media marketing strategy is a crucial step in the right direction if you are looking to widen your engagement with consumers and catapult your brand to the next level. Intelligent social media marketers are forever looking for new ways to draw their customers in.

Targeting your audience emotionally by implementing music into visuals is a brilliant way to connect and create a powerful relationship. Our sense of seeing and hearing go hand in hand, so it is important to include both elements to produce genuine, unique content.

Below you will find some tips on why and how to use music in social media marketing. Not only will this relate to customers already in your circulation, but it will also give you the chance to reach out to a wider audience.

Read on to Find out 5 Tips on Using Music in Social Media Marketing

1. Use Music Throughout Your Branding

A consumer is first and foremost connected to a brand based on what they can see and hear. Music connects us all emotionally on some level and using it to engage consumers is a very clever social media marketing technique.

Brand awareness is created using strong and consistent content that relates to the consumer in some way or another, so using music in social media marketing should effectively enhance that visual and create a positive, uplifting experience for the customer.

Music creates an atmosphere wherever it is played and teamed with a visual experience can have a huge impact on both your target consumer and brand.

Remember that to grab attention a video must be short and sweet. If it hasn’t caught the eye of your customer within those first few seconds, then it may be a disaster. Therefore, be sure to create fun content that users associate with your brand.

2. Keep It Real and Relevant

Building a successful brand relies on authenticity which, in time, results in customer trust. Think about the age range of your target audience. What kind of music will they be listening to and how can you create exclusive content to attract them? Meaningful and diverse content should obviously always be your main objective when interacting with your customers.

However, using music as a social media strategy can also be extremely detrimental to consumers if used wrongly. So, if your audience can connect a certain song or melody to your company, then you will have no problem in building that strong, trustworthy brand image.

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3. Alignment Is Key

Will you use music with lyrics? If so, make sure they are family-friendly, non-explicit, and relevant to your brand. For example, if you sell gym equipment you are more likely to use music with a catchy, upbeat tempo as opposed to a serious love ballad. Younger audiences are usually more attracted to content that uses fun, bright melodies whereas an older audience might appreciate a more soothing sound.

You might want to create your own jingle that users can identify and associate with your brand only. Start by choosing music that best suits your target audience and from there you will have the ability to create content that will drive traffic to your platforms and your website.

4. Which Platform Should You Use? Don’t Worry You Have Options!

Thankfully, music is often used on most social media platforms when it comes to brand content. However, consumers engage with visual content differently depending on which platform it is posted on. A visual on Tik Tok, for example, can catch the eye of a customer in as little as 15 seconds using music that is trending on the app at that moment.

However, these trends can be short-lived, and you do not want to miss the boat by creating and posting content that could be seen as dated. 48% of US adults using Tik Tok are between the ages of 18-29, so producing meaningful content on this platform could be successful for your image if that is your target audience.

Facebook is also a great way to reach out and connect with customers by virtually interacting with them through the comments in real time. Visual content is used more widely on certain platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Tik Tok. These platforms are great for engaging with customers who can then access the website to purchase your product or service in one swift click.

5. Tap Into Your Viewers’ Emotions

Have you ever been listening to the radio or watching the music channels and a song will play that you haven’t heard for a long time? Nostalgia is an emotion we all share and you can cleverly use this tactic to boost your brand and connect with your audience on an emotional level.

Drive traffic to social media platforms by creating nostalgic posts using visuals and music in your social media marketing strategy. Audiences aged 25 and upwards love interacting with content that shows images of clothing trends and hairstyles from the 90’s.

Adding music from that particular era makes for an uplifting and relatable experience. Another favourite is old cartoons and the theme song to go with it. Reminiscing with a consumer will help to build a personal and trusting relationship.

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To Wrap this Up, We’d Say…

As a business, only you are going to know what gets your customers talking about your brand. The above blog is just a mini guide on how to get the ball rolling by implementing music into your social media marketing.

These tried and tested tools will hopefully be invaluable to you in your journey towards creating that strong brand image and connection to your consumer. Music is a mood changer and if this marketing tool is used correctly, it will generate a great ROI for your brand.

Start by choosing music that best suits your target audience and from there you will be able to create some fascinating content that will help drive traffic to your platforms and gain a wider customer following.

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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