Email Marketing Statistics

Some claim that email marketing is no longer effective, while others argue that it remains a powerful tool for increasing sales and converting leads into customers.

But what exactly is the reality, though?

Check out these top 20+ Email Marketing statistics that prove why this content marketing strategy is still dominant and will continue to be so in the future!

Daily Email users

Emails continue to be widely used in modern society despite the rise of other forms of digital communication and social media platforms such as instant messaging services like Messenger and WhatsApp.

In 2020, the number of global email users amounted to 4 billion and is set to grow to 4.6 billion users in 2025!

Total Emails sent or received per day

The total number of emails sent each day is a measure that has been steadily rising since 2017.

As of 2021, there were an estimated 319.6 billion emails sent and received daily around the world. By 2025, it’s expected that this number would have risen to an astounding 376.4 billion emails every day.

Source: Statista

Email Marketing Revenue

Even though some people believe that the email marketing industry is dead, this is a rather empty assumption to make given the increasing trend line this sector has maintained when it comes to content marketing.

According to Statista, the worldwide email marketing business was estimated to be worth a staggering $7.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to 17.9 billion by 2027.

Now coming to the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for that period, it is expected to amount to 13.3%!

Email Marketing Spending

In a survey conducted by Litmus at the end of 2021, it was found that while 70% of brands raised their email marketing workload but their budgets remained largely unchanged.

Currently, only 1.3% of brands will reduce their email spending in 2022, compared to 37% who would increase it. At the beginning of the pandemic, this was almost the opposite.

Email Marketing ROI

The ROI that email marketing provides is a key indicator of how beneficial it is for your business.

According to recent estimates, you can expect an average return of $42 for every $1 you spend on email marketing; this shows that a strong email marketing strategy can produce excellent results!

Source: DMA

Average Email Open Rate

Before continuing, let’s first define what Email Open Rate means. The open rate of the emails you send reflects how frequently they are read.

The average open rate, according to a recent Benchmark analysis, is 19.96%.

There is a point here, though: this email rate fluctuates from sector to sector and from location to location!

Source: Smart Insights

Email Marketing Click Rates And Unsubscribe Rates

As per the reports by Benchmarks, here are some of the major stats related to click-through rates and subscription rates:

  • The average CTR is 3.71%
  • The average click-to-open rate is 16.23%.
  • Unsubscribe rates, on average, are 0.21%.

B2B Email Marketing Statistics

Email marketing is a popular form of audience communication and customer acquisition in the B2B market sector.

Email newsletters are the most popular type of content marketing, claiming 81% of B2B marketers, and according to 64% of these same B2B marketers, their email marketing approach was successful at achieving business goals in 2021!

Source: HubSpot

B2C Email Marketing Statistics

Hera re the top 3 B2C Email Marketing stats:

  1. 87% of B2C marketers leverage email marketing automation as part of their email marketing strategy.
  2. 64% of B2C marketers consider accessibility when creating their emails.
  3. Around 59% of respondents say that marketing emails have influenced their purchases.

% of People Using Mobile to View Emails

When sending emails, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the majority of recipients will view them on their phones; as a result, your email should be mobile-friendly.

Having stated that, let’s move on to some actual statistics. The bulk of views for emails come from mobile devices, accounting for roughly 41% of views, followed by desktops at about 39%.

Additional data regarding mobile email marketing is provided below:

  • Despite knowing how important it is to make your emails mobile-friendly, only about 1 in 5 email marketing campaigns are.
  • Launching a mobile-responsive email design can increase unique mobile clicks by 15%
  • 56% of email marketers use mobile-friendly emails in their email marketing plan

Sales From Email Marketing

In spite of the notion that email marketing is dead or useless, according to HubSpot’s research, 50% of people make purchases via marketing emails at least once each month.

Email Marketing Subject Line

Email open rates are largely influenced by the first impression you give recipients of your messages. This first impression is given by the subject line, so it is essential to have a compelling one if you want to have a good open rate.

Here are some examples of various subject line keywords and their corresponding open rates:

The above chart proves that a personalized email subject line works the best!

Emails Deleted Without Reading

When it comes to deleting unread emails, the number varies across different industries.

Here’s a quick view of the same:

Source: **Sale Cycle**

Newsletter Stats

When someone joins your email list, it’s clear that they want to get emails from you regularly.

But the real question is, “How regular?” Get Response claims that if you limit the number of newsletters you send out each week to under 5, you will get a greater open rate and click rate.

Welcome Email Stats

A staggering 8 out of 10 people will open a welcome email, giving it an open rate of over 80%. This indicates that Welcome Email sequences generate 4 times as many opens and 10 times as many clicks compared to other sorts of emails.

Source: Get Response

Average Time Spent Reading Brand Emails

According to Statista, users spend an average of 10 seconds reading brand emails. This shows that you need to make the beginning of your email exciting enough to further continue holding onto the reader’s attention.

Source: Statista

According to the chart, users spent ten seconds of their time reading a brand’s email on average between January and August of 2021. In 2011, 10.4 seconds was the average amount of time spent reading brand emails after an email was opened. This reached a peak of 13.4 seconds per email in 2018, before gradually decreasing over a subsequent couple of years.

Best Time To Send Emails

When it comes to sending Emails, 11 AM is the best time for sending emails, and 12 AM shows the highest CTR!

Here’s a quick view of email campaigns sent on different days of the week.

Source: Get Response

When it comes to email signoffs, there’s a ranking here as well. According to a survey, here are the most popular ones:

  1. Thanks — 62%
  2. Name or initials — 46%
  3. Sincerely — 44%
  4. Love — 28%
  5. Regards — 22%

Visual Content In Emails

Here are some of the most important statistics regarding the value of including visual content in emails:

Messages sent over email that contain videos:

  1. Including a video attachment in an email can result in a click-through rate that is 200-300% higher.
  2. 54% of email subscribers prefer emails with videos
  3. 90% of email users report that watching videos is helpful when deciding what to buy.

Messages sent via email that contain images:

  1. According to the results of a survey, around 2/3 of people say that they favor receiving emails that mostly contain images.
  2. Emails that include some sort of graphics have a 7% higher open rate and 1.5% higher CTR as compared to text-based emails.
  3. A number of studies have shown that the optimal text-to-image ratio for emails is 4:1.

Email Marketing vs Facebook & Twitter

Even if social media is dominating the world, email marketing still reigns when it comes to turning leads into consumers.

Compared to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, email marketing is 40% more effective in converting leads to paying clients!

Abandoned Cart Emails

Sending three cart abandonment emails results in 69% more orders than a single email — making it one of the most effective eCommerce strategies for boosting revenue.

Source: Omnisend

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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