File Sharing Solutions: Is Cloud Really The Best Way To Go?File Sharing Solutions

As a marketer, you probably use an alphabet soup of CRMs, DMPs, MAPs, and SEO plugins. This tech stack helps you get things done. But there’s one thing that keeps it all together – collaboration.

You need to send information to your team, and you need to send it fast. Do you send the file on Slack or Telegram or upload it to Dropbox or Google Drive?

What if Dropbox overrides the operating system and gains control of your device? What if you don’t set the correct email restrictions and confidential patient data gets exposed?

Both of these scenarios happened and got patched up.

Businesses need secure file sharing solutions. But is cloud the best way to go? Let’s take a look.

What is secure file sharing, and why is it important?

Secure file sharing allows you to share data with other users. It prevents intruders and unauthorized devices from looking at it. Think of medical records, credit card data, SSNs, and government files. Such information shouldn’t fall into the wrong hands.

The software encrypts these files and allows only the end user to access them. The best platforms will enable you to restrict access to files and allow only authorized users to download, view, and access them.

This process is becoming more important for businesses. Remote work changed the corporate balance. Now, our personal lives are intertwined with work. You use the same device for work and leisure.

Corporate information needs more care. But it’s often shared through social media, email, and other unsecured systems.

Marketers use consumer-grade services to send business data. Think of Google Docs. How often have you created a new file from your personal account instead of your work email? The answer is too many to count. You might copy the file, but the data remains in personal and professional accounts.

What are the risks?

Unless your entire team is in the office and you’re using paper to share data (hopefully, you’re not because it’s 2023), there’s risk involved. Everything connected to the internet comes with inherent risk.

Sensitive data can leak online, unintentionally or intentionally. If the company doesn’t have a security policy, employees can make a mistake and lend access to an unauthorized party. If intruders access your file sharing software, they can look at everything. You won’t be able to know how and where confidential data will go.

Bad actors always look for opportunities to attack small and medium businesses. You drop the defenses when you download files without checking or bypassing firewalls. Hackers can then perform MITM or DDoS attacks, install malware, or compromise your network.

What tools do marketers use the most?

Marketers love using cloud services because they’re seamless. They integrate with other tools and are easy to use. The most popular file sharing services marketers use include:

  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • Amazon Drive
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • ShareFile
  • WeTransfer
  • Apple iCloud

These services offer secure file sharing. But they’re consumer-facing products. They’re not intended for significant business practices. Every account is password-protected. They have encryption and keep your files safe.

Hackers use social engineering attacks to bypass the defenses of these platforms. That’s because services like Dropbox don’t have identity verification. If a cybercriminal cracks your password, they can compromise company data. Luckily, there are remote wiping tools that can help in such scenarios.

Is cloud the best way to go?

Cloud is the best way to go, but with additional features and tools. Most marketers use standalone services and ignore cybersecurity. That exposes vital data to inherent risks.

The proper task involves creating a perfect blend of conditions to simultaneously support users, employees, and companies.

Cloud isn’t the only way to share files securely. NordVPN Meshnet file sharing feature is another solution because it functions similarly to a local network. It helps marketers set up a private network to share files safely and work remotely.

It’s not about the technology that people use. It’s about how they use it.

Tips for secure file sharing

  1. Strong passwords

Like any other account online, make sure you have a strong password. Don’t use the same phrase for every account, and use a password manager if you can’t remember all the variations.

  1. Time sharing limits

Some services allow you to set a time-sharing limit on a document. That way, you minimize risk and ensure the link doesn’t work after a specified period. To be safe, you can also add password protection to files.

  1. Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds another layer of security to your accounts. It acts as a physical security key because you receive an SMS with six digits before you log in. You can also use an authenticator app, which is a better option.

  1. Educate your team

Cybersecurity isn’t a one-off thing. It’s a constant process. Ensure your team members know the dangers of phishing attacks, malware, and hackers. Encourage them to verify sources, scan files when they download them, and use strong passwords.

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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