How To Tell If Someone Is In Facebook Jail

Have you ever had a Facebook friend who was quite active at one point but then abruptly stopped responding to your tags or messages? If so, you might have felt as if they had ghosted you. However, sometimes things can be different like they have been put into the Facebook jail!

But how can you tell if someone is jailed on Facebook? How can one verify it? Today’s blog is all about the conundrum surrounding Facebook Jail – read on to find out more!

What Is Facebook Jail?

The term “Facebook jail” refers to being barred or removed from the website. This occurs when a person violates the community guidelines, shares inappropriate content, engages in spamming activity, uses automated software, or logs in using a separate account.

Due to the rising number of cybercrimes, all social media platforms have tightened their rules and policies and expect all of their users to follow them.

In case you get into the Facebook jail, the platform won’t be sending you any notification about the same. But when you try to sign into your account from the Facebook app or website during the “lock up” period, the following notice will appear on your screen:

The good thing is that, barring a permanent Facebook ban, the Facebook jail situation can last anywhere from a few hours to a maximum of 30 days. You just need to be patient and wait for Facebook to remove the restriction.

How To Tell If Someone Is In Facebook Jail

To be honest, verifying whether someone is in Facebook jail is difficult, but there are a few things you can do, such as messaging them, tagging them in posts, tagging them in comments, writing on their wall, and so on.

If you’re tagging a friend who was previously quite active on Facebook but has suddenly stopped communicating, it could be a hint that they’ve been banned from the platform and aren’t responding to your tags.

Similarly, you can send them a text over Facebook messenger and wait for a response. If they do not respond for an extended length of time, it may indicate that they have been blocked on the platform!

Since there isn’t a precise way to know this, you can try all the approaches and then come to a conclusion!

9 Reasons: How Does Someone Get In Facebook Jail?

There can be several reasons why someone ends up in Facebook jail; let’s look at each of these reasons in depth!

1. Posting Too Fast

A good Facebook profile strikes a balance between posting new stuff and producing interesting content that people want to read. You can’t just keep posting links to your blog or other articles all day since Facebook will ban your profile.

The truth is that if you upload too much content in a short period of time or share the same information repeatedly, Facebook will ban you from the platform. They do this because they want the content on their site to be helpful rather than being swamped with spam.

2. Sending Too Many Friend Requests

Unquestionably, Facebook is a fantastic way to meet new people, but there are some guidelines to abide by. Make sure you aren’t sending too many requests at once if you want to use the platform properly.

Only send requests to people whom you know on the platform, and try not to send too many at once. If you repeatedly send requests to every Facebook user, the organization will place you in jail.

3. Spamming

Facebook absolutely forbids spamming and advises users not to partake in it as the social media site aggressively penalizes spamming actions.

Posting the same content on numerous pages or groups around the same time, leaving excessive comments on posts, sending out large numbers of messages at once, or sending out bulk friend requests are all considered spamming actions on the network and will land you in Facebook prison!

4. Sharing Inappropriate Content

Facebook expressly forbids the sharing of any unsuitable content on the site, and all of its users are expected to take care not to promote such content there.

The following sorts of content are prohibited on the platform:

  1. Nudity or promoting of sexual activity.
  2. Content that encourages suicide or self-harm.
  3. Harassment and bullying.
  4. Hateful language.
  5. Any kind of graphic violence and/or content that promotes or encourages violence.
  6. Using abusive language.
  7. Featuring the use of banned weapons or showcasing illegal activities.

Source: Facebook terms and Conditions

5. Using An Automated Software

Automated actions like purchasing social media followers, publishing the same content on multiple accounts, interacting with your audience through bots, and using automation to leave likes and comments on random posts all fall under the category of bad automation and are strictly prohibited on the platform.

6. Fraud With Facebook Payments

To run advertising on the platform, a user must give their identity and payment card information when purchasing an ad package.

If a person uses an unlawful credit card that is not in their name, it can result in Facebook fraud and the user’s profile being banned from the platform!

7. Fake or Imposter Accounts

Due to the rising amount of fake accounts on social networking sites, Facebook is extremely selective about who uses the site and how.

Facebook keeps a close check on its users in order to prevent the various crimes that can result from fake and impostor accounts. If any platform user engages in any questionable behavior, such as providing a phony phone number, for example, they will be placed in Facebook jail!

8. Hate Speech

Facebook doesn’t want its younger audience to come into contact with any negative influences and wants all of its users to feel comfortable on the site.

As a result, anyone who engages in abusive behavior, hate speech, or offensive posting on Facebook will undoubtedly be jailed on Facebook.

9. Logging In With Different Accounts

When it comes to its policies on device logins, Facebook is quite strict – it strongly advises users to sign in to just one account from one device, therefore there can only be one Facebook account per device.

If you use the same device to log into multiple Facebook accounts,  it is likely the reason why Facebook has put you in its jail!

You can use a VPN that hides IP addresses if you need to log in to many accounts at once, or you can use a different device.

Related Article:Is Facebook Marketplace Safe

What Does Facebook Jail Look Like?

Facebook jail doesn’t resemble a real lockup in any way, obviously. It just refers to a scenario where Facebook has placed a restriction on your profile that prevents you from engaging in certain social network activities on the platform.

These are the penalties you would experience if you were in Facebook jail:

  • You cannot post on your timeline or any pages and Facebook group
  • You cannot like or leave comments on anyone else’s posts or pictures
  • You are blocked from accessing your account
  • You cannot publish posts on your page, whether as an admin or using your personal Facebook profile
  • You cannot accept friend requests

In this period if you try to make a Facebook post on the platform or send messages to anyone, a notification saying “You can’t post right now” will pop up on your screen!

What Can You Do While In Facebook Jail?

You can still view posts on your news feed, browse memes on your Facebook feed, and go to other people’s Facebook accounts while you’re in the Facebook jail.

You can therefore perform absolutely everything on the platform, but only in read-only and view-only modes!

You will be able to view your friends’ posts, but you won’t be able to like, comment on, or share them.

Similarly to that, if someone pings you on the platform, you can view their message but there is no way for you to respond or send them a text.

How Long Does Facebook Jail Last?

You may be wondering how long a Facebook jail lasts. Well, it can range from a few hours to an eternity!

Here’s a quick breakdown of the Facebook Jail time according to the severity of the Facebook rule violation:

Source: LinkedIn

In light of this, Facebook jail can be divided into two categories: Temporary bans and Permanent bans.

If You’re Temporarily Blocked

The answer is that it can range from a few hours to 30 days. You won’t be able to access your Facebook account, respond to comments, or communicate with other users on the platform while it is suspended.

You will have access to your account again after the specified penalty period has passed, at which point you can resume using the platform as before.

If You’re Permanently Blocked

You won’t be able to access your Facebook account again if you have been permanently banned from the platform. It is more akin to Facebook erasing all traces of your presence on the site.

You can certainly contact the Facebook team and submit a request over this, but the likelihood of having your account revived after a permanent ban on the website is quite low.

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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