The 5 Biggest Challenges of Working Remotely

In today’s world, remote work has become an essential part of business operations. With increased flexibility for employees and a broadened talent pool for companies – it’s easy to see why it’s taken off.

However, while there certainly are great advantages, there are also plenty of cons. In order to enjoy working from home, you need to understand what to avoid.

Interested in learning more? In this article, we are going to discuss five of the biggest challenges you may face when working remotely. 

Communication Issues

While technology has come a long way over the past several years, it doesn’t mean it’s without issues. Remote communication can be incredibly difficult, even if the latest tools and gadgets have been provided.

Misunderstandings are very common. While some errors are minor, others can be determinantal to the business. It’s crucial that the right steps are taken to streamline communication between all team members.

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Setting Boundaries

When your office is only a few steps away from your kitchen, bedroom, and living area, maintaining boundaries is tough. It can be hard to get anything done on time, especially when others are living in the house.

Being your own boss means that you need to set yourself some rules. Establish clear work hours (like a regular 9-5), create a designated workspace, and leave work “at work”. Both you and your family will be thankful for it.

Isolation and Loneliness

For both extroverts and introverts, working from home can be isolating (even more so if you freelance). You’re entirely on your own, each and every day of the week.

Thankfully, there are a few things that you can do when you’re feeling lonely. You may consider scheduling regular check-ins with other employees or visiting a shared working space. 


Without a manager breathing over your shoulder, getting distracted is one of the most common challenges you will face. Perhaps you’ve noticed that the laundry needs to be folded or simply can’t resist scrolling through your social media feed every 10 minutes.

While taking regular breaks is good, you shouldn’t let it affect your work quality or progress. Recognize your triggers and eliminate them as much as possible. The Pomodoro technique can be quite effective.

Professional Development and Visibility

If you’re out of sight, all of your hard work is often overlooked. When it comes to promotions, special projects, and professional development opportunities, they usually go to those who work in the office.

If you want to take on more responsibility, try to maintain visibility. You can do this by boosting your skillset with courses and webinars, as well as checking in with your supervisor frequently. Additionally, using tools like applicant tracking systems can help you stay organized and visible to your team and superiors, ensuring that your contributions are recognized.

Final Words

As you can see from the above, remote work certainly has its challenges, but it can also be a wonderful option for those seeking a different work-life balance. If you’re still unsure whether it’s right for you, assess the pros and the cons. Some people will love it, while others will benefit from returning to the office.

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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