10+ Best Places To Sell Feet Pics And Make Good Money In 2023

In the digital age, unconventional ways of making money have emerged, with selling foot pics being one of them. This unique venture has gained popularity due to its simplicity, potential for good income, and flexibility. 

Whether you’re a seasoned seller or a curious beginner, this comprehensive guide provides valuable insights to navigate in feet content market successfully. 

I’m going to step in the world of selling feet pictures and explore its potential as I have listed down more than best places to sell feet pics.

10+ Best Places To Sell Feet Pics


FeetFinder is a trusted platform for selling feet pictures, known for its robust ethical practices. The site operates on strict guidelines, ensuring buyers and sellers interact responsibly and confidentially.

Creating an account is a straightforward process. Users must be 18 years or older and need to pass an ID verification to ensure legality. Privacy is a high priority on FeetFinder.

Sellers set their own prices for individual photos, bundles, or subscriptions. It offers a dynamic market where one can gauge prices based on demand.

Earnings potential can vary, but motivated sellers can make a sizable income. Some make hundreds of dollars per week, depending on the quality of their content and the level of engagement with buyers.


OnlyFans is a content-sharing platform that offers a way to monetize foot photos. Primarily known for adult content, it also hosts a variety of niche interests.

The working mechanism is simple. Sellers create an account, post content, and set a subscription price. Buyers subscribe to access the exclusive feet content that you would be posting.

Earnings on OnlyFans depend on numerous factors, such as the quality of content, pricing, and marketing efforts. Top sellers can make thousands of dollars per month.

You can post feet images, and videos and interested buyers will have to subscribe to your account to get access to your content. Here you have maximum potential to find foot enthusiasts. 

Subscription prices vary. Sellers can set their own rates, typically ranging from $5 to $50 per month. Moreover, sellers can offer pay-per-view posts for additional income.

OnlyFans charges a 20% commission on all earnings. This cost supports the functioning of the platform and ensures secure transactions. With its easy-to-use interface and diverse audience, OnlyFans offers a lucrative, ethical avenue for selling foot photos.


One of the best stock photo websites is Foap.  It caters to businesses and individuals seeking unique, high-quality images for various uses including foot pictures. 

To get started, sellers create an account, upload feet pictures, and tag them appropriately. Users can participate in ‘missions’ to earn more by submitting specific types of images.

There is no set price for photos. Each photo sells for $10, with Foap taking a 50% commission. This pricing model allows for potential recurring income if the photo sells multiple times.

Earnings potential on Foap depends on the quality and uniqueness of the images and how well they match buyers’ needs. The more popular and in-demand your photos, the more income you can generate.

Despite the 50% commission, Foap provides a unique opportunity for sellers, enabling them to reach a global marketplace with their foot pictures, fostering an ethical and open environment.


FeetPics.com is an online marketplace exclusively for selling foot pictures. It’s well-suited for those looking for a specialized platform.

The platform is easy to navigate. Sellers create an account, upload photos, and set their prices. Buyers can search and purchase images based on their preferences.

Pricing on Feet Pics is largely user-controlled. Sellers determine their prices, which can range from a few dollars to over $100 per photo, depending on quality and uniqueness.

Income from selling on Feet Pics varies depending on demand and pricing strategy. Some sellers reportedly earn several hundred dollars per month, while others can earn more with consistent, high-quality posts.

The platform takes a 20% commission on each sale, which helps maintain the site’s operations. With its focused marketplace and straightforward model, Feet Pics offers an ethical and potentially lucrative option for selling foot images.


Feetify is a niche platform catering specifically to buyers and sellers of feet pictures. It offers a dedicated space for this unique market.

Getting started on Feetify is simple. Sellers create a profile, upload their photos, and interact with potential buyers. The site encourages direct communication to negotiate deals.

Pricing on Feetify is not fixed. Sellers set their own rates based on the quality and uniqueness of their content.

The earning potential on Feetify can be significant. Some sellers reportedly make hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month. However, earnings can fluctuate based on demand and the seller’s marketing skills.

Feetify charges no commission, but premium membership costs apply for enhanced features. By providing a safe, user-friendly platform exclusively for foot pictures, Feetify stands out as an ethical choice for sellers in this unique market.

Dollar Feet

Dollar Feet is another platform for selling foot pictures. It’s notable for its straightforward business model and quick payment process.

The process is simple. Sellers submit a short sample video for review. Once approved, they can begin selling their foot pictures.

Dollar Feet sets the rates for pictures, simplifying pricing for sellers. Prices usually range from $5 to $50 per photo.

Sellers can expect to earn between $5 and $50 per photo sold on Dollar Feet. High-quality photos and regular submissions can increase earnings.

Dollar Feet pays sellers via PayPal, typically within 48 hours of the sale. It offers a fast, efficient, and ethical way to monetize foot photos.


Instagram is a popular social media platform, which, with its emphasis on visuals, can be an effective place to sell foot photos.

Sellers create an account, post their foot photos, and use relevant hashtags to attract potential buyers. Direct messages are often used to negotiate sales.

Pricing on Instagram is flexible. Sellers determine their own prices based on factors such as picture quality, uniqueness, and buyer demand.

The income potential on Instagram can vary widely. Some sellers report making significant amounts, but success often depends on factors such as follower count, engagement, and marketing skills.

Instagram does not charge a commission on sales, but transaction fees may apply if using Instagram’s shopping feature. With its vast user base and visual appeal, Instagram offers a modern, ethical, and potentially profitable platform for selling foot photos.


Patreon is a platform that allows creators to monetize their content through a subscription model. It’s flexible enough to accommodate a variety of content, including foot pictures.

Sellers create a Patreon page, post their content, and set subscription tiers. Subscribers, known as patrons, pay a monthly fee for access to the content.

Pricing is flexible on Patreon. Sellers can set their own subscription prices, starting from as low as $1 per month.

Earnings on Patreon depend on the number of subscribers and the price of the subscription tiers. Successful sellers can make a significant monthly income.

Patreon takes a commission ranging from 5% to 12% based on the creator’s chosen plan. By enabling creators to build their own communities, Patreon offers a unique and ethical way to sell foot photos.


Etsy is an online marketplace known for handmade and vintage items. However, digital products, including foot photos, can also be sold.

Sellers create an Etsy shop, list their products, and set their prices. Buyers can browse and purchase items directly.

The price for each listing is determined by the seller. High-quality, unique foot photos can command higher prices.

The earnings potential on Etsy can vary widely. Some sellers report making a substantial income, but success often depends on effective marketing and unique offerings.

Etsy charges a listing fee of $0.20 per item, a 5% transaction fee, and a 3% + $0.25 payment processing fee. Despite these costs, Etsy’s broad customer base and user-friendly platform make it an ethical choice for selling foot photos.

Make Your Personal Website

Creating a personal website to sell foot photos offers significant control and flexibility. In my opionion,it’s a viable option for sellers seeking complete autonomy.

Sellers create their website, design it to reflect their brand, and upload photos for sale. They can use e-commerce plugins or integrate with payment platforms for easy transactions.

Setting your own prices is a major advantage. With no third-party commission, sellers retain the full sales price, potentially increasing profits.

Operating your own website can be the best option when a seller has established a strong customer base or wants complete creative control. It’s also beneficial if the seller plans to diversify their offerings beyond foot photos.

However, the seller is responsible for all aspects of the site, from maintenance and security to marketing. Despite these responsibilities, creating a personal website can be a highly ethical and rewarding way to sell feet pics. 


FunwithFeet.com is a popular platform dedicated to foot photos. Its community-focused environment makes it an engaging platform for sellers.

Setting up an account is straightforward. Sellers upload pictures, set prices, and engage with  feet pic buyers. The platform encourages direct, respectful interactions.

On this website, selling feet pics is easy as sellers can determine their own prices, which can vary widely. Prices depend on feet picture type, quality, uniqueness, and buyer interest.

Potential earnings on FunwithFeet.com can be substantial. Some dedicated sellers report making several hundred dollars monthly. However, individual results can vary.

FunwithFeet.com does not charge a commission on sales, but there might be fees for optional premium features. This community-oriented platform provides a secure, ethical avenue for selling foot photos.

How Much Money Can I Make Selling Pictures Of My Feet?

The income potential for selling feet pics varies widely. Factors like the platform used, photo quality, pricing, and marketing efforts can greatly impact earnings.

On some platforms, sellers can set their own prices, allowing for considerable income if they have high-quality, in-demand images. Prices can range from a few dollars to over $100 per photo.

Some sellers report earning a few hundred dollars per month, while others claim to make thousands. However, these high earnings typically require consistent effort, a large number of feet pics, and an effective marketing strategy.

It’s worth noting that some platforms take a commission on sales, which can reduce net earnings. Despite this, selling foot pictures can be a lucrative side gig or even a full-time job for some, offering an unconventional but effective way to monetize a unique market demand.

While the potential earnings from selling feet pics online can be exciting, it’s essential to maintain realistic expectations. Not everyone who sells foot pictures will earn a large income, especially when starting out.

The frequency and consistency of your uploads can significantly impact your earnings. Regularly uploading high-quality pictures can attract more buyers and lead to repeat purchases.

Building a dedicated customer base is another key factor. Engaging with your potential customers, understanding their preferences, and catering to their requests can help you increase sales and boost income.


Is It Legal To Sell Pictures Of Your Feet?

Selling pictures of your feet is typically legal in most jurisdictions, provided certain conditions are met. It’s a form of digital content sale that falls under the broader category of modeling.

The most important condition is age. Sellers must be at least 18 years old, as selling foot pictures can sometimes be considered adult content. This requirement helps protect minors from exploitation.

It’s essential to note that while selling feet pic is legal, how they are used by the buyer can potentially involve legal issues. Sellers should be aware of this and consider any potential risks involved.

What Type Of Feet Make The Most Money?

There’s no universal standard for what type of feet make the most money, as buyer preferences can vary significantly. However, well-groomed, clean feet tend to be more popular.  Therefore, invest in foot care. 

Buyers often look for high-quality photos that highlight the foot’s aesthetics, from the arch to the toes. Unique features like high arches or dainty toes can command higher prices in foot photography. 

Foot enthusiasts often like seeing pretty feet and sometimes people also opt for sexy feet pics. 

Who Buys Feet Pics?

Buyers of a foot picture come from a diverse demographic. Many are individuals with a foot fetish, but a significant portion also includes artists, advertisers, and businesses in need of unique stock images. 

Some buyers seek foot pics for educational or medical purposes. Understanding your audience can help tailor your content to maximize earnings.

Therefore selling feet pictures online is a great option if someone is looking to earn extra money.

Hannah Anderson
Hannah Anderson

Hannah is Freelance writer who dabbles in various online side hustles. She has an unhealthy obsession with cheese cakes. On weekends you will find her playing basketball with friends.

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