[Answered] Does Your Snap Score Increase With Chats?

If you use Snapchat, you’re probably familiar with the “snap score” that appears below your profile picture. 

And you might be wondering, how it is calculated. And does your Snap Score Increase With Chats?

I am going to show you in this article exactly that: digging deeper into the concept of “Snap Score” and understanding how it works.

Does Your Snap Score Increase With Chats?

No, a user’s Snapchat Score remains unaffected by the number of chats they have or the number of messages they send and receive.

Snapchat uses Snap Score to track a user’s activity on the platform. It is a numerical value that appears on a user’s Snapchat profile and is viewable by other users.

I don’t know the exact algorithm used to calculate Snap Score, but it is thought to consider a number of factors, including the number of snaps sent and received, stories posted and viewed, and other platform interactions.

The number of snaps sent and received is a significant factor in determining the snap score. The higher a user’s Snap Score, the more snaps they have sent and received. Additionally, posting stories and having other users view them can help users get a higher Snap Score.

It’s also important to remember that your Snap Score is not a reflection of your popularity or social standing. It’s simply a way for Snapchat to track user activity on its platform.

Therefore, while having a high score may be something to brag about among friends, it is not an indicator of how many Snapchat friends you have or how popular you are.

Also Read: What Does S/U Mean On Snapchat Stories

How does Snap Score work?

Snap score is a Snapchat algorithm used by Snapchat to give each user a score based on the number of snaps they send and receive, among other factors.

Now the question arises — “How are Snap scores calculated?” and “How does the Snapchat score work?” Well, it is calculated using a secret formula that takes into account various factors, such as the frequency and consistency of snap activity, number of snaps sent, among a lot of other factors.

The score is displayed on a user’s profile, just below their profile icon and increases as they continue to use the app. It is meant to be a lighthearted way for users to track their activity on the app and compare their scores with friends.

Let me tell you about the top 3 things that effect a user’s snap score:

Daily Streaks

The number of daily streaks a user maintains in their Snapchat account is one of the factors that contribute to a higher Snap Score.

So, to put any doubts to rest — A Snapchat streak is the number of days in a row when a person has sent or received at least one snap from a friend. The greater the length of the streak, the greater the value added to the user’s Snap Score.

Daily streaks are an engaging way by which Snapchat makes the platform more engaging and makes it stand out from its competitors. If a user does not send a snap within 24 hours then the snap streak will be discontinued!

This is because Snapchat rewards users for being active on the platform and interacting with multiple users or multiple friends on a regular basis. But if the user doesn’t send a snap within 24 hours then the snap streak will be discontinued!


Share your daily life with friends through the Snapchat story feature, which allows you to post multiple private story snaps in a 24-hour period.

The number of stories a user posts and the number of views they receive is another factor that is thought to contribute to a higher Snap Score.

Users can increase their Snap Score by posting stories and receiving feedback on them. Furthermore, if a user’s stories are featured on Snapchat’s Live Story, they can receive a large number of views, increasing their Snap Score.

Discover Videos

Watching the videos in the discover videos section also contributes to a user’s Snapchat Score.

Users can view content from a variety of publishers, including news outlets, magazines, and popular social media influencers, using the Discover feature.

The content is organized into “channels,” which are regularly updated with new articles, videos, and other types of media. Users can subscribe to channels of interest and receive notifications when new content is available. Advertiser-sponsored content is also available on Discover.

Users can boost their Snap Score by watching Discover videos. It’s also thought that the more videos a user watches, the more value their Snap Score gains.

How to increase your snap score?

Increasing your Snapchat score can be an enjoyable way to keep track of your progress and engagement on the platform. Here are some pointers to help you improve your score:

Send and receive more snaps:

The most direct way to improve your score is to send and receive snaps. So, send snaps to your friends and family and encourage them to send you snaps in return.

Open and use the app frequently:

The more you use and open Snapchat, the higher your score will be. So, open the app on a daily basis and send snaps to your friends.

Also, always keep the app updated and clear the cache to improve the app’s performance.

Add more stories:

Add more stories on Snapchat and make your stories public. It will allow other Snapchat users to see and interact with your content, which can boost your score.

Add more friends:

The more friends you have on Snapchat, the more opportunities you’ll have to send and receive snaps, which will in turn increase your score.

Joining a Snapchat group would be useful here because these group chats help to connect with multiple people at once, which in turn simplifies the process of “adding new friends” on Snapchat.

Maintain Snap Streaks:

Maintain snap streaks with your friends. Each consecutive day that you maintain the streak will add a point to your Snap Score.

To maintain a snap streak, you and your friend must send a snap to each other at least once within a 24-hour period.

While chats and snaps are primary methods to boost your Snap Score, Snapchat offers other engaging features too.

Exploring Snapchat Planets: Besides increasing your Snap Score through chats and snaps, Snapchat has introduced a fun feature called Snapchat Planets.

The Snapchat Planet feature gamifies user interaction by assigning users to different “planets” based on their activity levels. Engaging more frequently can elevate your status, making the platform even more interactive and enjoyable.


What Makes Your Snap Score Go Up By One?

Most of the actions you take on Snapchat increase your score by one point. Sending a snap to a friend, receiving a snap from a friend, adding a new friend, creating a snap and posting it to your story, and viewing a snap or story are all examples of this.

However, regardless of how many snaps you send or receive or how many friends you add, each action will only increase your score by one point.

Some users have previously reported that they received two or more extra points, but this is likely a glitch rather than a regular occurrence.

How Much Does Your Snap Score Go Up Per Message?

Your Snapchat snap score will not go up on the basis of the number of messages you send or receive.

Basically, Snapchat gives one point per activity but that doesn’t include messaging. To increase your snap score you must focus on sending and receiving snaps rather than just plain texts.

Can Your Snapchat Score Go Up Without Opening Chats?

No, your Snapchat Score is not determined by chats or messages. It is based on other activities you do on this social media platform such as how much time you spend on the app, how many stories story views you have, and, most importantly, how many snaps you send or receive.

Opening Snaps or not opening chats, having unread Snaps or unopened Snaps will not affect your score. So, as long as you use the app and its features and send snaps within the time limit, your score will rise.

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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