How Much Is A Galaxy Worth On TikTok?

TikTok is often in the headlines for its innovative and unconventional ideas, which have contributed to the app’s rise to fame on a global scale.

One such out-of-the-box idea includes the gifting option on TikTok, which enables content creators to make a respectable amount of money through the platform and monetize their accounts in the most effective way possible!

And when we talk about gifts, I certainly can’t leave out the galaxy gift, which has charmed viewers over with its stunning visual splendor!

How Much is Galaxy Worth On TikTok?

A Galaxy gift on TikTok is worth a whopping 1,000 TikTok coins on the app, which is equivalent to somewhere around $13.50!

Apart from likes and comments, users/fans on the platform have one special way of expressing appreciation and showing support to their favorite content creators during their live videos or live streams — sending them virtual gifts!

One such present that is quite well-liked on the platform is the Galaxy gift, which, when sent to a TikTok creator, displays a lovely galaxy view on the screen. I find that. affect very assuming.

After that, the influencer on this social media platform can trade the gifts they received for diamonds and then convert the diamonds into cash. I’d say that these gifts are surely an incredible opportunity for social media influencers on the site to bring in some actual monetary compensation for their work.

How Much Are Gifts Worth On TikTok?

The TikTok gift’s worth varies from as little as $0.0012 (5 virtual TikTok coins) to as much as $500 (35,000 TikTok coins) on the platform.

TikTok offers a wide range of gift options; there are over 100 items to pick from, all at various pricing points to best suit every fan’s budget.

Here are some of the most popular TikTok gifts that cost <5000 TikTok coins:

  • Rose: 1 coin
  • Panda: 5 coins
  • Love Bang: 25 coins
  • Sun Cream: 50 coins
  • Rainbow Puke: 100 coins
  • Concert: 500 coins
  • I’m Very Rich: 1,000 coins
  • Drama Queen: 5,000 coins
  • Lion: 29900 coins

Source: Advertisemint

Now let’s have a look at the top 5 most expensive TikTok gifts ever made!

  1. TikTok Universe: 34999 coins
  2. Lion: 29999 coins
  3. Rocket: 20000 coins
  4. **Planet:**15000 coins
  5. Interstellar: 10000 coins

Because of the range of possibilities available, TikTok gifts have exploded in popularity as a go-to option for each TikTok user to show their appreciation for their favorite TikTok influencers/content creators.

How To Encash TikTok Gifts?

It’s time to talk about actual money now that we know the ins and outs of TikTok gifts and how they work and the mechanism behind them.

So how can these gifts be turned into actual money? 

Before you can exchange a TikTok gift you received via the app for real money using PayPal or another secure payment method, the gift is first converted into TikTok Gift points and added to the balance and is then converted into TikTok diamonds.

The next logical question is, “How much are TikTok diamonds worth?”

Each virtual diamond costs 5 cents or $0.05 which means, your collection will be worth $50 if you have 1000 of them.

But there is a catch, though. TikTok won’t give you the full amount; instead, it will take a 50% commission out of your earnings.

So, after deducting the $25 commission from TikTok, you could possibly earn $25 for every thousand diamonds!

Alright, enough with the musings, let’s get into the action steps of turning presents into actual income!

Step 1 — Open the TikTok app and tap on the “Profile icon” on the bottom right of your screen.

Step 2 — Now, tap on the “3-line icon” on the top right of your screen and go to “Settings”

Step 3 — Next, go to “Balance” and then tap on “Live Gifts”

Step 4 — Select the number of diamonds you want to cash out and it’s done!!!


Why am I Unable To Receive/Send A TikTok Gift?

If you are unable to give or receive TikTok gifts, it may be because you are missing some of the requirements listed in the TikTok guidelines.
You must fulfill the following conditions in order to receive a TikTok gift:
You must be part of the Creator Next program.
Video Gifts must be available in your location (this feature is currently not available everywhere)
You must be at least 18 years or older (or 19 in South Korea and 20 in Japan) to go live on that platform
Your TikTok account must at least be 30 days old and must have published at least 1 public video in the last 30 days.
You need at least 100,000 followers (in case of Video Gifts) and need at 1,000 followers (in case of Live Gifts)
In the case of Business Accounts, they aren’t eligible to participate.
Duet and Stitch videos, Ads, sponsored content, or promoted posts cannot be rewarded with Gifts.
Here are the criteria that you need to meet in order to send a TikTok gift:
You should be at least 18 years old to send a gift to a TikTok video or during a TikTok live stream on TikTok (or 19 in South Korea and 20 in Japan).

I Can’t Encash TikTok Gifts. Why?

You can’t make a withdrawal until you have accumulated at least $100 (about 10,000 coins) on your profile. Therefore, you will not be able to withdraw your TikTok presents until you have reached this threshold.

Hence, to redeem a TikTok gift, your coin balance must be at least the minimum amount required by TikTok.

If you match the criteria but are still having trouble redeeming your gifts, you can simply raise a ticket to TikTok’s support team.

Is Galaxy The Most Expensive TikTok Gift?

Actually, the Galaxy isn’t even among the top 5 most costly TikTok gifts, so no, it isn’t the most expensive one!

Galaxy costs around 1,000 TikTok coins, or $13.50 overall, whereas TikTok Universe, the most expensive gift, costs 34999 TikTok coins, or roughly $500!

Shaurya Jain
Shaurya Jain

Shaurya jain is a blogger at Attention always. He is an expert in social media marketing & PR. He keeps experimenting with Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms to stay up to date. When he is not writing, you can find watching reruns of Brooklyn 99.

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